Child Poverty Indicators to Measure Progress on the SDGs


The Coalition of Partners Working to End Child Poverty has developed a policy brief that assesses how child poverty can be included as part of the new monitoring framework of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). The brief provides specific recommendations to support United Nations member states in framing their new poverty reduction indicators and ensure children are included and not let behind.

1. The current draft Post-2015 development goals and targets that include child poverty should include specific child poverty indicators

2. Efforts to monitor progress towards new SDG Targets 1.1 and 1.2 should include the following monetary and multidimensional poverty indicators:

-Percentage of population below $1.90 per day, disaggregated by age to capture the child poverty rate

-Proportion of children (0-17) below the national poverty line

-Proportion of children (0-17) living in multidimensional poverty

3. Child poverty targets should be reinforced with a new focus on equity to ensure the poorest and most disadvantaged children are reached and no child is left behind:

-All child-level indicators used in the SDGs should be disaggregated by income or wealth quintiles, ‘monetary’ and ‘multidimensional’ poverty status and other forms of inequality

4. Data collection for the most vulnerable children – who are often omitted from or bypassed in surveys and programmes – must be improved1. The current draft Post-2015 development goals and targets that include child poverty should include specific child poverty indicators


Read the Coalition brief

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